The Year of Doing Things Differently

We went out to dinner with friends in from out of town two nights ago.  Before the fabulous pulled pork and brisket arrived, one of the guys told the story of how he lost the tip of his finger.  One would expect such a tale to be somewhat gruesome in manner; however, the tone and straight-forwardness of the storyteller kept things hilarity-filled.  He ended the story by saying this: “Once you hit 47, things just start falling off.”

I’ve thought about this statement for the last two days now.  Having just reached four dozen years myself, I’ve found this to be a true statement.  While I’ve not lost any digits (fingers crossed), there are other things I’ve noticed have gone by the wayside.  Drive, purpose, happiness in all facets of my life.  Yes, these things have started falling off.

I have come to the realization, however morbid it may be, that I’m more than likely over half way done with this wonderful life I’ve been given.  Procrastination and settling are luxuries in my life that I can no longer afford.  It’s time to get busy. 

I take Pure Barre classes several times a week.  One of the first things they say after class has started is “Set your intentions for the rest of this class right now.”  That’s what I plan to do here.

Watch out world.  Here. I. Come.